
Mateus Costa

Notes from Practical Vim


Some of the content of this book I already knew, but it was good to understand them in a deeper level and how can I extend the usage from most of the basic commands that I have been using before.

  • the . command let us repeat the last change. It is the most powerful and versatile command vim
  • the >G command increases the indentation from the current line until the end of the file
  • the x, dd and > commands are all executed from Normal mode, but we also create a change each time we dip into Insert mode. From the moment we enter in IM, vim records every keystroke
  • A to insert in the end of the current line
  • the ; command will repeat the last search that the f command performed
  • to perform an substitution in a file :s/target/replacement
  • * searchs for the next occurrence of the word under the cursor
  • vim records our keystrokes until we leave IM
  • the author mentions the dot formula: one keystroke to move, one keystroke to execute
  • dw deletes a word
  • dw deletes a word and a space
  • list of vim operators: they can operate on a single character dl, a complete word daw, or an entire paragraph dap:
    • c: change
    • d: delete
    • y: yank into register
    • g~: swap case
    • gu: make lowercase
    • gU: make uppercase
    • >: shift right
    • <: shift left
    • =: autoindent
  • grammar: an action is composed from an operator + motion
  • when invoking the operator in duplication (dd per example) it acts upon the current line
  • you can add operators to vim: take the commentary.vim plugin. The operator it’s gc, so gcc comments the current line
  • editing from the IM:
    • ctrl + h: delete back one char
    • ctrl + w: delete back one word
    • ctrl + u: delete back to start of the line
  • viw: select inner word in visual mode
  • to enter in IM: i it’s for before the current char and a (append) after the current char
  • when we open a file, vim creates a new buffer and loads it into the current window

inline search

  • f{char} searchs for the next char occurrence
  • F{char} for previous char occurrence
  • t{char} searchs for the char before next char occurrence
  • T{char} searchs for the char before previous char occurrence
  • ; repeat the last character-search command
  • , reverse the last character-search command

motions for lines

  • j: down one real line
  • gj: down one display line
  • k: up one real line
  • gk: up one display line
  • 0: to first character of the real line
  • g0: to first character of the display line
  • ˆ: to first nonblank character of the real line
  • : to first nonblank character of the display line
  • $: to end of the real line
  • g$: to end of the display line

motions for words

  • w: forward to start of next word
  • b: backward to start of current/previous word
  • e: forward to end of current/next word
  • ge: backward to end of previous word
  • append to end of word: ea
  • append to end of previous word: gea
  • definition of a WORD: sequence of nonblank characters separated with whitespaces
  • vim’s text objects consist of two characters, the first of which is always either i or a. In general, we can say that the text objects prefixed with i select inside the delimiters, whereas those that are prefixed with a select everything including the delimiters
  • ci": change inside the double quotes
  • d{motion} tends to work well with aw, as and ap whereas the c{motion} command works better with iw and similar

other motions

  • ": position before the last jump within current file
  • %: jumps between opening and closing sets of (), {}, []
  • <Leader>f{char}: my leader key is ,, so ,f{char} would show the keys that I can press to go to {char}. This also works with AceJump IntelliJ plugin with you configure the keys properly.

surround.vim plugin

  • cs"': change surround from " to '
  • ds': delete surround '
  • ysiw[: add surround in an inner word with [

windows management

  • ctrl + w + s: split current window horizontally
  • ctrl + w + v: split current window vertically
  • ctrl + w + w: cycle between open windows
  • ctrl + w + h: focus the window to the left
  • ctrl + w + j: focus the window below
  • ctrl + w + k: focus the window above
  • ctrl + w + l: focus the window right
  • ctrl + w + c: close the active window
  • ctrl + w + T: move the current window into its own tab
  • {N}gt: switch to tab page number {N}
  • gt: switch to the next tab page
  • gT: switch to the previous tab page

visual mode

  • v enables character-wise visual mode
  • V enables line-wise visual mode
  • ctrl + v enables block-wise visual mode
  • gv reselects the last visual selection
  • the . command in visual mode acts on the same amount of text as was marked by the most recent visual selection. But doesn’t work so well sometimes
  • vit: select the inner contents of a tag

copy and paste

  • in Vim’s terminology, we don’t deal with the clipboard but instead with registers
  • the x command cuts the character under the cursor, placing a copy of it in the unnamed register after the cursor position
  • yyp: copy and paste line
  • “Oops! I clobbered my yank”: you had something to paste, but before pasting it you had to cut something and then your previously yanked text was replaced by the cut that you did
  • vim’s delete command is equivalent to the standard cut operation
  • black hole register is addressed by the - symbol, so _d{motion performs a true deletion
  • delete, yank and put commands interact with one of Vim’s registers. We can specify which register we want to use by prefixing the command with "{register}. If we don’t specify the register, then Vim will use the unnamed register
  • example: cut the current line into register b with "bdd and paste it with "bp
  • when we use y{motion} command, the specified text is copied not only into the unnamed register but also into the yank register, which is addressed by the 0 symbol. The yank register is reliable, whereas the unnamed register is volatile. We can cut something and when using "0p we would still have what we want
  • copying and paste from clipboard:
    • if we capture text in an external application, then we can paste it inside Vim using "+p command
    • if we want to copy text from vim to an external application, then we have to use the register "+
  • the visual selection in the document swaps places with the text in the register
  • p: pastes after the cursor position
  • P: pastes before the cursor position


  • when recording a macro, ensure that every command is repeatable
  • w, b, e is better for macros than h, j, k, l
  • q{register} (you don’t need the ") to start recording a macro. The word recording should appear in the status
  • q is a good register for a macro, so you just need to press qq to start recording and then a final q to finish
  • @{register} command executes the macro in the given register
  • @@ repeats the that was invoked most recently
  • to append commands in a macro: if you macro was q, then use Q. Per example qQ to start appending commands in the previous macro that you recorded using qq

search and replace

  • %s/going/rolling/g: it will search and replace in the whole file the word going for rolling
  • %s/going/rolling/gc: it will ask every time that it finds a going if we want to replace it for rolling